Cat Body Language Chart

Feline body language

Quivering Tale
I’m delighted to see you!

A cat rubbing against a leg

The Leg Brush
You’re mine and I’m yours.

A cat exposing its belly

Exposing the Belly
I trust you.

A cat flicking its tail back and forth rapidly

Fast Tail Flick
I’m aggitated, please go away.

Friendly feline body language

Tail Up
Friendly and inquisitive.

The posture of a terrified cat

Arched Back. Tail Straight Up
A terrified cat. Back off.

A relaxed cat

Sleeping Spread Out
Relaxed in your presence.

The body language of an interested cat

Pausing to Look
Intrigued and Interested.

A playful cat

Haunches and Tail Up
Playful and ready to engage.

A nervous looking cat

Tail Down. Small
Nervous and unsure.

A frieghtened cat

Small. Tail Tucked

A cat showing predatory body language

Focussed on Prey
Engaged in the hunt.