It’s Fetch Day!

Grab a stick or a ball and head to the park for a healthy game of fetch. You’ll both benefit from the joy of spending time together.

Pets for Veterans Day

A pet can help some returning veterans with their recovery and emotional well-being. And it all started with a dog named Bear.

Reptile Awareness Day

Reptile Awareness Day was created to raise awareness of threats to the natural habitats of our cold-blooded friends. It’s essential we conserve their vital habitats.

Black Cat Day

Celebrate the virtues of the magnificent black cat. And if you’re considering adopting, why not adopt a black cat?

Global Cat Day

Contact your local shelter or charity and enquire about adding a fantastic feline friend to your family.

Treat Your Pet Day

Give your pet a particular snack, extra time playing in the garden, or anything it doesn’t often get a chance to enjoy.

World Spay Day

Every year overcrowded animal shelters euthanize millions of stray cats and dogs. World Spay Day is an international initiative to eliminate this practice by tackling the problem at its source.

International Rescue Cat Day

International Rescue Cat Day is set aside for people to rescue a street cat and adopt one as a member of their family. Contact your local cat charity for more information.