A cat looks out of the window of a small apartment

How to Keep an Indoor Cat Happy

You can transform your compact living space into a cat-friendly haven with a little creativity and attention to their needs. This article explains how to keep an indoor cat happy in a small apartment.

Living in a small apartment doesn’t mean you can’t provide your feline companion with a happy and fulfilling life. You can transform your compact living space into a cat-friendly haven with creativity and attention to their needs.

This article gives you eight practical tips that ensure your cat’s happiness in a small apartment. The tips are…

  • Vertical Space
  • Stimulation
  • Views
  • Cat-proof Balcony
  • Hideaways
  • Play and Bonding
  • Vertical Scratching
  • Environmental Enrichment

Let’s get stuck in and look at each of these practical tips in turn, so you can keep your indoor cat happy no matter what size apartment you live in.

Vertical Space

Make the most of limited floor space by utilizing vertical areas. Install wall-mounted shelves, cat trees, or perches that allow your cat to climb, explore, and observe their surroundings from a higher vantage point.

Vertical spaces provide exercise and mimic their instinct to seek elevated positions. Stackable furniture allows you to change the format of your cat’s vertical space and provides new places to explore.

How to keep an indoor cat happy by giving it places to climb


Much of the answer to the question, “How to keep an indoor cat happy,” comes down to stimulation. You must find ways to provide your furry friend with a stimulating environment.

Engage your cat’s curiosity by providing interactive toys, scratching posts, and puzzle feeders. These enriching activities will keep them mentally stimulated and entertained, reducing the likelihood of boredom or destructive behavior. Rotate toys regularly to maintain their interest and prevent monotony.


As you’re living in an apartment, chances are you have several windows that offer different views of the outside world. Your cat won’t be able to resist the opportunity to observe the world beyond.

Position a comfortable perch near a window, allowing your cat to enjoy the outside world while basking in the sunlight. Watching birds, squirrels, and passing activities can be a source of entertainment and mental stimulation. Consider installing a window ledge or window-mounted hammock for your cat to relax and enjoy the view.

Cat-proof Balcony

If your apartment has a balcony, give your cat extra space to roam by installing a cat door and creating a secure barrier using wire mesh or netting. Close any gaps or openings that could allow your cat to slip through.

Ensure all furniture or objects on the balcony are secure and cannot be climbed or knocked over. Provide your cat with alternative sources of entertainment, such as scratching posts and toys, to discourage them from attempting to escape.


Create cozy retreats for your cat within your apartment. Provide a variety of hiding spots, such as cat tunnels, boxes, or comfy beds, where they can retreat when they need some privacy or relaxation. Cats appreciate having secure hiding spaces where they can feel safe and undisturbed.

Keep an indoor cat happy by ensuring plenty of places to hide

Play and Bonding

When you live in a small space, it’s even more important to dedicate regular play and bonding time with your cat. Engage in interactive play sessions using toys like feather wands or laser pointers, encouraging exercise and strengthening your bond.

Spend quality time together through grooming, gentle petting, or simply relaxing in each other’s company.

Vertical Scratching

To protect your furniture and walls, provide vertical scratching posts or boards. Cats have a natural urge to scratch, and these designated areas will encourage them to satisfy their needs without causing any damage.

Opt for sturdy, tall scratching posts to accommodate stretching and scratching behaviors. It’s also worth noting that cat trees often incorporate scratching posts.

Environmental Enrichment

Introduce elements from the outdoors into your apartment to simulate a natural environment. Non-toxic potted plants and a small indoor herb garden provide your cat with sensory stimulation. And be sure to include cat grass to aid with your cat’s digestion.

Consider a small water fountain to encourage hydration and replicate the sound of running water.

Recap: How to Keep an Indoor Cat Happy

Living in a small apartment doesn’t compromise your cat’s well-being and happiness. By implementing these tips, you can transform your space into a cat-friendly environment, promoting physical and mental stimulation while ensuring their comfort and contentment.

Remember, a happy cat is healthy, and with your love and attention, your feline friend will thrive in their cozy urban abode.

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