Cats rule the word as shown by this cat wearing a crown

Proof! Cats rule the world…

Ours is a world in which feline charm reigns supreme. Our furry friends have finally clawed their way to the top. That’s right, folks, cats rule the world. And I can prove it!

Everybody agrees that cats rule the world, don’t they? And, in all honestly, I couldn’t be happier. Let’s delve into this pawsome world domination and explore why our feline overlords have captured our hearts and now rule our lives.

Move over, pesky humans! Cats have taken the throne, and they’re ruling with soft paws and gentle meows. Their charismatic personalities and adorable antics have won over our hearts, and now they’re calling the shots.

We humans no longer need political leaders because our fluffy dictators give us a sense of purpose. Sure, that purpose involves catering to our feline overlord’s every need, but it still counts! Without further ado, here’s a summary of the critical points for your consideration…

  • Catonomy
  • Fashion Furward
  • Universal Cat Language
  • Catastrophe!

This is an important issue the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the brutal Tea vs. Coffee1 debate of the late nineties. So let’s dig in and dive “deep” into this important issue.


Under the guidance of our feline leaders, the global economy has shifted to revolve around the needs and desires of our whiskered companions.

Companies now manufacture the finest scratching posts, automated laser toys, and gourmet catnip treats. And as you know, they’re doing so out of respect.2

Even the stock market is measured in “meow-ments” and “purr-centage” gains. I think we all agree, the economic domination over homo sapiens has begun. And it won’t be stopped.

Fashion Furward

With cats at the helm, fashion has taken a leap into uncharted territory. Tailor-made outfits for cats have become the new norm, with designers releasing lines of luxurious collars, tiny cat-sized hats, and stylish jackets to match every fur color.

Who says cats can’t be fashion icons? Only dog lovers, that’s who! As we all know, every cat lover is totally objective. This contrasts with dog lovers, who are very one-eyed, utterly biased, and prone to gross generalizations. 😂

Everybody agrees: Cats rule the world

Universal Cat Language

Our feline rulers have revolutionized communication. Humans have started learning the subtle art of “meow-linguistics” to converse with their beloved companions. And guess what? We’re actually getting pretty good at it!

We’re now able to bridge the communication gap between humans and felines. And it’s all thanks to our ability to decipher different meow pitches and understand the all-important tail flick!


Under the cats’ rule, the concept of a “bad day” has been redefined. Forget about spilled coffee and missed deadlines. A catastrophe involves finding your favorite chair usurped by a lounging feline or discovering your keyboard completely covered in fur.

And you know what? We wouldn’t have it any other way!

Here’s why Cats Rule the World…

Cats have taken over our world and filled our lives with laughter, love, and endless supplies of catnip. From their irresistible charm to their uncanny ability to melt our hearts, it’s no wonder cats now rule the world.

Let’s welcome our feline overlords and embrace this pawsome new era. We shall revel in the joy that comes with being a part of their whimsical kingdom. Failure to comply will result in claws.

Lots and lots of claws.

Important “Sciencey” Footnotes

1. Coffee, obviously.
2. And fear.

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