Fun facts about cats

Six Fascinating Facts about Cats

As you ponder these six fascinating facts about cats, remember that our feline friends have captivated humans for at least 10,000 years.

The domestic house cat has a reputation for being aloof, stubborn, and unwilling to go along to get along. They don’t help out around the house, clean up after themselves, or contribute to the monthly bills.

You and I wouldn’t tolerate that behavior in a guest or lodger, but for some reason, we tolerate it in our cats. Why are we blind to the faults of our furry friends?

You and I may have a blind spot when it comes to cats, but nobody can deny they’re impressive animals. As you’ll soon see when you check out these fascinating fun facts about cats.

Feline eyes peruse these fun facts about cats


Most cats have no eyelashes.

Feline eyes peruse these fun facts about cats


Cats spend about 15% of their day grooming.

Feline eyes peruse these fun facts about cats

Blind spot

A cat can’t see directly under its nose.

Feline eyes peruse these fun facts about cats


Whiskers provide cats with a sense of touch.

Feline eyes peruse these fun facts about cats


The oldest known cat lived to be 39.

Feline eyes peruse these fun facts about cats


Four out of every ten cats are ambidextrous.

Would you like to see more fascinating facts about cats? publishes new facts about cats every week. You’ll find links to previous posts in our “Fun Facts” series below. But the best way to stay on top of everything has to offer is to join us. Membership is free, and there are loads of benefits.

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If you’re still unsure and looking for more information about, check out this page.

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