About CatInfo.net

CatInfo.net has one purpose – to improve the life of domestic house cats. Our way to fulfill this purpose is to make this website freely available to all.

The CatInfo.net motto is…

Every Cat Matters

That’s why everything you’ll find on this site is designed to help cat lovers improve the home, health, and happiness of every cat in their life…

A tabby cat peek out from a basket behind partially hidden by curtains


Every cat deserves a loving home, don’t they? CatInfo.net aims to help every cat join a loving family and find it’s forever home.

A vet examining a cat's ear


Feline health is maximized when a cat enjoys good nutrition, plenty of exercise, a regular check-up with a good vet, and knowledgeable owners.

Alert kitten hunting on the grass


Cats are at their happiest when they feel safe, loved, and have plenty to engage and amuse them. This site is filled with resources, tips, and info.

The social element

Cats and humans have lived together for at least 8,000 years. It’s a relationship that benefits both felines and humans.

Of course, there aren’t many cats who visit CatInfo.net 😅 so our focus is on providing apps, resources, and tools for humans to use.

One of the main resources we offer is cat-focused social groups. These are an excellent way to meet and engage with your fellow ailurophiles.

As a member, you’ll get to meet cat lovers from around the world including the founders of CatInfo.net. And swap tips, tricks, jokes, and ideas. It’s loads of fun and lacks the “noise” found in less focused social media. Click here and join now.

The feline element

Social engagement with other cat lovers is fun, but sometimes you may prefer to do your own research. Our extensive collection of articles and videos provides a wealth of useful information.

CatInfo.net delves into every area of the domestic house cat…

  • Nutrition
  • Health and ill-heath
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Anti-social behavior
  • Trapping and rehoming
  • How to find a lost cat
  • Choosing a good vet
  • Adopting or fostering a cat

Is there a topic you’re particularly interested in? Start looking here.

More information