Games to play with your cat

15 Games to Play with Your Cat

Games keep your cat mentally stimulated and strengthen the bond between you. This article includes 15 games to play with your cat.

Playing with your adult cat is a great way to bond, provide mental stimulation, and encourage physical activity. The games your cat is most likely to enjoy are those that tap into its natural hunting instincts.

Whether you’re looking for interactive play or solo options, the following fifteen games will surely keep your adult cat happy.

1. Feather/Wand

Wiggle a feather wand or a toy with feathers attached, and watch your cat pounce and leap to catch it. This game engages their natural hunting instincts.

2. Laser Pointer Chase

Shine a laser pointer on the floor or walls, and your cat will enthusiastically chase the elusive red dot. Just be sure to never shine it directly into their eyes.

3. Interactive Laser Toys

There are laser toys that move the laser dot automatically, simulating prey. These can entertain your cat when you’re not available to play manually.

4. Interactive Puzzle Toys

Invest in puzzle toys that dispense treats as your cat plays with them. These toys keep their minds active while rewarding them with treats.

5. Hide and Seek

Hide behind a door or piece of furniture, then pop out for a surprise. Cats love to stalk and pounce on hidden “prey.”

Don’t play this game with a cat suffering from trauma or who isn’t bonded with you, doesn’t know you well, and/or doesn’t yet associate you with play.

6. Paper Bag Play

Leave a paper bag on the floor, and your cat will likely crawl inside, pouncing on and rustling the bag. It’s an inexpensive and entertaining option.

7. Ping-Pong Ball Chase

Lightweight ping-pong balls are perfect for batting around the room. Your cat will enjoy chasing and swatting them. You can keep kittens amused by rolling or bouncing several ping-pong balls down a long hall or driveway.

8. Treat Hunt

Hide treats around the house, and let your cat use their nose to find them. This engages their senses and provides mental stimulation.

9. Catnip Play

Many cats love catnip-infused toys. Give your cat a catnip-filled toy and watch them roll, pounce, and play with it.

10. String or Ribbon Play

Dangle a piece of string or ribbon before your cat, and let them bat at it. Always supervise to ensure they don’t swallow any.

11. Interactive Apps

There are smartphone apps designed for cats with moving objects on the screen. Your cat can “catch” these virtual prey with their paws.

12. Fetch

Yes, some cats will play fetch and others can be taught! Toss a small toy; if your cat is interested, they might retrieve it for another throw.

13. Sock Soccer

Crumple a piece of paper or foil into a ball and place it inside a clean sock. Cats enjoy kicking and pouncing on these makeshift toys.

14. Cardboard Box Hideout

Cats love boxes! Cut a few holes in a cardboard box and place it on its side. Your cat can explore, hide, and jump in and out.

15. Teaser Toys

Teaser toys with bells, feathers, or other attachments can provide hours of entertainment. Wave them around and let your cat “hunt” the toy.

Summing Up

Playing with your adult cat is enjoyable for both you and your feline friend and essential for their physical and mental well-being.

Rotate between these fifteen games to keep things exciting and ensure your cat stays happy, healthy, and entertained.

Remember that every cat is unique, so observe your pet’s preferences and adapt your playtime accordingly.

Know of Other Games to Play with Your Cat?

If so, we’d like to hear about them. Send us your cat-based game idea via our Contact Us form. If we like your game idea and you’re happy for us to publish it, we’ll add it to the list on this page.

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