A very cool cat

Here’s Why Cats Are Better than Humans

Let’s face it, humans are top of the food chain, but that doesn’t mean we’re cool. In this article, we’ll explain why cats are better than humans.

When it comes to sheer coolness, cats have got the measure of humans and dogs. They have wrapped us around their cute little paws, deploying a mysterious charm that keeps us in their thrall. And they do in eight different ways…

  • Cattitude
  • Therapy
  • Drama-free Living
  • La Box Sexy
  • Impeccable Grooming
  • Laser Focus
  • Catnaps
  • Independence
  • Utterly Flexy

If you understand the true order of nature, where cats reign supreme, you’ll love our list of ways cats are superior to humans.


Cats walk through life with a confidence that borders on arrogance, and we adore them for it. Who needs self-help books when you have a cat to teach you the art of not caring what others think?

Cats have an air of enigma about them, and we can’t help but wonder what they’re thinking. Humans, on the other hand, tend to overthink everything and often end up in a tangle of confusion.


A cat’s purr is thought to have healing properties. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and even promotes bone healing. Your cat comes complete with its own built-in spa, medical center, and masseuse.

While we’re busy stressing about life, dashing about earning a living so we can pay for expensive spa treatments that help us relax, cats are giving themselves a relaxing purr massage.

Cats are better than humans

Drama-free Living

Another way that cats are better than human is their ability to eschew drama. Our feline friends are the epitome of drama-free living.

They don’t hold grudges, they don’t overanalyze conversations, and they certainly don’t get involved in office gossip. They’re too busy being fabulous.

La Box Sexy

As every feline knows, humans are dim-witted creatures that lack imagination. While we obsess over gadgets, fashion, and third-rate entertainers, they focus on what truly matters – the joys of cardboard.

Give a cat a fancy toy, and they’ll (quite rightly) appreciate the box it came in. It’s a constant reminder that the simplest things bring the most joy.

Impeccable Grooming

Cats spend a significant chunk of their day grooming themselves, leaving their fur impeccably fluffy and pristine. Some humans also understand the importance of Impeccable grooming.

Unfortunately, those who focus on their appearance are forced to spend a fortune on face gunk, cleansers, and hair product. Not so our feline friends, who needn’t spend a dime.

Laser Focus

When a cat sets its sights on something, nothing can distract them. Whether it’s a speck of dust or a pesky insect, cats are determined hunters.

On the other hand, we humans are easily distracted by our smartphones, social media, and the latest Netflix series. Sadly, we must face the stark and brutal truth. We simply don’t measure up to our feline overlords.


Many humans struggle to get a decent night’s sleep, often because we’re worried about how we’re going to pay our cat’s medical bills! Not so the cats who graciously allow us to serve them.

There’s a reason we call it catnapping because every cat is a napping ninja! They can snooze for hours on end, in the most peculiar positions, without a care in the world. They have no worries, no stress, just pure blissful slumber.


Cats achieve a level of independence that humans can only dream of. They don’t need anyone’s approval, and live their lives on their own terms.

If only we could all be as confidently self-sufficient as our feline friends. Because the plain fact is, for a cat, every day is Independence Day.

Utterly Flexy

Cats are the true yoga masters. Their flexibility is otherworldly, and they can twist and contort themselves into positions that would make a human chiropractor cringe. Downward-facing cat, anyone?

Cats Are Better Than Humans

There you have it, undeniable proof that cats are the true rulers of the universe. From their zen-like demeanor to their playful antics, there’s no denying that cats are the ultimate life coaches.

So, next time you catch yourself stressing over life’s trivialities, take a page from your feline friend’s book and embrace the pursuit of happiness. After all, in the grand scheme of things, we’re all just living in a cat’s world.

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