A lost pet cat in a cage waiting for it's owner

Should I Microchip My Cat?

CatInfo.net has a short answer to the question, “Should I microchip my cat?” Yes. The rest of this article explains why microchipping your cat benefits you…

Regarding our cherished feline friends, microchipping is a vital measure in ensuring their safety and well-being. This article delves into the three key benefits of microchipping for cat owners and why this simple procedure can be a lifesaver for our feline companions.

The three key benefits of microchipping your cat are…

  1. Swift Reunions
  2. Establish legal ownership
  3. Peace of mind

Let’s dig in and explore each of these benefits in turn…


Unlike a collar or tag, your cat’s microchip isn’t easily removed.


The process of microchipping a cat is quick and painless.


Microchipping a cat is the right thing for cat owners to do.

A Swift Reunion

No matter how vigilant we are, there’s always a chance our curious and adventurous cats might wander off or become lost. In such distressing situations, a microchip can prove to be a lifesaver.

A microchip is the size of a grain of rice, is implanted just under the skin between the cat’s shoulder blades, and can’t be lost or removed. This chip contains a unique identification number linked to the owner’s contact details in a national pet registry.

If your beloved feline gets lost or ends up in an animal shelter or veterinary clinic, a quick scan with a microchip reader will reveal the identification number. This number serves as a crucial link, enabling the shelter or vet to contact you and reunite you with your beloved companion swiftly and without any unnecessary delays.

Microchipping significantly increases the chances of finding a lost cat bringing peace of mind to worried pet owners. And our view is, a swift reunion is the number one reason to microchip your cat.

Establish legal ownership

Tragically, pet theft is a genuine concern in many places. Cats are targets because they have an independent nature and tend to roam far and wide.

Microchipping provides added protection against theft because it’s harder for thieves to sell a stolen pet. A simple scan at any shelter or veterinary clinic reveals the true owner’s information.

Microchipping plays a pivotal role in resolving ownership disputes. In cases where there’s uncertainty about a cat’s true owner, a microchip can act as undeniable proof of ownership, ensuring your beloved feline remains in your care.

Peace of mind

Life can throw unexpected challenges our way, and natural disasters or accidents are no exception. Pets that get separated from their owners during an emergency are easier to locate if they’re microchipped.

A microchip can be a ray of hope in such emergencies. Emergency responders, shelters, and veterinary clinics are all equipped with microchip readers. This enables them to identify lost or injured cats and reconnect them with their owners.

You Must Register Your Cat with a Database

Having a vet inject a microchip into your cat is only the first step in a two-step process. Your vet won’t register your cat with a microchip database. That is up to you.

You gain none of the benefits of microchipping until you complete this crucial second step. To successfully complete the process of protecting your cat, you need your cat’s microchip ID. Then visit the website of your local microchip registry and add your cat’s details.

You must also update your contact information if you move home, change your email address, and/or get a new phone number.

Should I Microchip my Cat?


Microchipping your pet cat is a responsible decision that offers invaluable benefits to you as a pet owner. In fact, some countries now fine cat owners who don’t microchip.

A reunion with your lost cat is much greater when you microchip your cat. And is a strong deterrent against theft.

A microchip ensures the safety and well-being of your cat during an emergency. Invest in this small yet essential measure and provide your furry friend with a secure and happy life.

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